Je vais envoyer ce petit flyer à ma base de données
afin de remettre en tête le produit RELIGHT
aux utilisateurs de MAYA et de 3DS MAX,
sachant que c'est aussi compatible avec HOUDINI de Side FX
Ma base de données : 17000 contacts WW
Ce Flyer a été réalisé par notre client DWARF LAB, qui utilise RELIGHT
mardi 20 mars 2012
samedi 17 mars 2012
lundi 12 mars 2012
Le dernier jour de l'Open days
Notre ami Erwan est passé réaliser un petit vidéo sur le système
et une interview de notre directrice du support technique
pour présenter la solution BASELIGHT
il va la monter et la diffuser bientôt sur son site de blogger
Notre ami Erwan est passé réaliser un petit vidéo sur le système
et une interview de notre directrice du support technique
pour présenter la solution BASELIGHT
il va la monter et la diffuser bientôt sur son site de blogger
la veille de l'Open day
Nous avions reçu les flycases le lundi soir
et lors de la mise en route
petit probleme
On a tout démonté, vérifié si les cartes étaient bien enfoncées
Vérifié les connections, etc etc.
Enfin à deux heures du matin nous y étions encore
Après avoir détecté des problèmes de logiciel,
Notre directrice du support technique à remis tout en ordre 1 heure
avant le début de la journée portes ouvertes
ouf, just in time !
et lors de la mise en route
petit probleme
On a tout démonté, vérifié si les cartes étaient bien enfoncées
Vérifié les connections, etc etc.
Enfin à deux heures du matin nous y étions encore
Après avoir détecté des problèmes de logiciel,
Notre directrice du support technique à remis tout en ordre 1 heure
avant le début de la journée portes ouvertes
ouf, just in time !
vendredi 9 mars 2012
New Features of RELIGHT from The Bakery
RELIGHT - Version 1.1.6
This section lists the changes made since version
New nodes /commands
- New Material Velvet, specialized for Velvet / Silk shaders.
- New Material Glass, specialized for Glass / Water shaders (with physical parameters).
- New Light Global_illum_rt, computes global illumination using raytracing (instead of point clouds)
- New Light Environment_rt, computes environment-lighting (for image-based lighting) using raytracing (instead of point clouds)
- New Light Switch, switches between 2 lights depending on a condition
- New Tessellator Realflow, reads bin geometries exported by realflow.
- New compositing node Contour, does contour edge-detection, for example for toon shading.
- New command geom2uv_area_distortion, generates a scalar texture image encoding the distortion between areas in UV space and the standard 3D world space. The output image is computed in a way that, when bound to a density attribute, it makes the resulting distribution more uniform while trying to keep the density globally unchanged.
- New command uv_viewer, allows to visualize the UVs of a Gop
- New command uv_bake, allows to bake the result of a shading in a UV texture
- New command ptx_bake, allows to bake the result of a shading in a PTEX texture
Export from 3d applications
- Simplifications in the export, concerning the exported vizgroups (now only 2 vizgroups are exported : viz_materials and viz_render)
- Sub-assets folders are simpler now, and do not contain the full AssetName of each sub-asset.
- Improvements in Alembic Export :
- Fur is exported from Maya
- Multi-UVs are exported (using alembic custom datas)
- Motion vectors are exported (using alembic custom datas)
- When exporting a shot, the original alembic file is referenced, to keep the same benefits as using Gops + Point caches
- The full name of Maya objects in the scene are exported in the extra-attribute "ui_path", so that the Hierarchy View in Path mode shows the same hierarchy as in Maya
- New Display mode Path (set by default) in the Hierarchy view, displays a hierarchy based on object's extra-attribute "ui_path". By default, the hierarchy is determined by each object's class. It is possible to drag and drop the objects in the hierarchy view to modify the UI Path.
- New Window LightSet_Editor, displays the current state of the light sets in the scene.
- Material Picking in the 3d view, selects the picked material (in current Vizgroup)
- Right-clicking in the 3d view displays a contextual menu with several actions (assign material, assign displacement, invert normals, create camera from point of view, etc...)
- Middle-click in the button containing the name of each window toggles to the previously displayed window
- Array attributes can now be re-ordered from the array attribute editor
- In 3d view, the menu "Vizgroup" now filters the vizgroups by their referenced scene's prefix
- It is possible to snap any object to another one in the 3d view (see 3d view's UI documentation for more details)
New features
- It is now possible to save a Lighting Scenario, that stores the list of visible lights for each light set. These scenarios are stored in the lightset's extra-attributes, and can be saved/loaded by the menus Edit->Save/load/remove lighting scenario
- When right-clicking on a GOP Tessellator, UV Map Viewer displays the geometry's UVs.
- From 3d view, it is now possible to save selection as Gop / Fur (useful for instanced geometries, or for procedural ones).
- New attribute invisible_primitives in Tessellator, constains a list of primitives indices to be hidden (a primitive can be a quad, a triangle, a patch, or a hair strand).
- Added menu Help->Enable Profiling and Help->Display Memory Usage to get details about the memory allocated by the application
- In the Render view's Render Settings, flag Release Geometry forces the releasing of the geometry after calculation.
- Ptex textures are now displayed in the 3d view (in texture/texture inspect display modes, as for other textures)
- Added options that control the output image formats in relight's render view and pim_view.
- In Volume::Light_beam, new attribute light_sampling_multiplier, allows to decrease the amount of light's sampling when seen by the volume shader. Directional Lights can now also be used for light beams.
- In Particle::Surface_sprinkler, new attribute density_multiplier, can be connected to any shadop (for example a texture) to modulate the density of points generated on the surface.
- In Material::Cutout, new attribute shadow_mask, allows to set the light's shadows values in the resulting alpha. This can allow to composite easily different passes (like separate hair layers for example).
- New variable, to be used in filenames ${self.dir}, returns the directory of the object's scene. This allows to use relative paths, without any problems with included files.
- New attribute extra_attributes in all objects, contains a POD description of any new custom attribute.
- pim2map is now multi-threaded
- Reduced the footprint of shadowmaps (in disk space and in RAM)
- Improvement when opening a scene with a huge amount of objects. Less memory is used by the application, and it is faster to open the application.
- Improvements and optimizatiobns in Alembic support. Fixed bugs on scenes with lots of objects
- Reduced the footprint (in RAM) of polygonal and fur geometries
- Improved the manipulation of the 3d view with scenes containing a lot of objects, as well as when lots of geometries are merged in a single tessellator
- Clipmaps now taken into account by raytraced shadows
- Fixed several bugs in the file browser, to select sequences (e.g. for input textures).
- It is now possible to create / edit / save POD files using scripted and C++ API
- In MUD class definitions, it is now possible to use multipiple filename filters
- A file can now be included in a MUD scene with a custom parser, by creating a custom MUD class (please contact Bakery support for more details)
Modified behaviour
- Changed the Texture Subdivision algorithm. It now matches Softimage's subdivion.
- Consider Camera's near_plane / far_plane in the 3d view
- In Tess::Fur_from_isoparam, set the root offset in the texture's V coordinates.
- Removed lots of unused attributes in Joints (and therefore in child classes as Tessellators).
jeudi 8 mars 2012
Open days FILMLIGHT in Paris
Les deux journées de présentation du nouveau système BASELIGHT de FILMLIGHT
se sont bien passées, environ 30 personnes le premier jour, suivi du cocktail au Bar de L'Hotel LA MAISON CHAMPS ELYSÉES,
Le lendemain environ 15 personnes, avec de bons contacts, particulièrement chez les nombreux free lance, étalonneurs, et coloristes.
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